2010, December
21. 4th annual holiday party. Refreshments were
provided by the Board. We followed our regular program
schedule for the first part of the meeting, and had the
party after announcements. 2010,
November 16. We had a Pot Luck dinner. Mid-way
through the evening we had a brief business meeting,
voted for next year's Board of Directors, and heard
comments and suggestions for PFLAG's direction and
activities in 2011. Fifty people joined us for the event.
2010, October 19. Karen
Rencountre, new NM GSA Network Program Coordinator for
the Santa Fe Mountain Center, with other members of the
SFMC and QSAs, spoke.
2010, September 21.
Jesse Lopez, new President of Albuquerque PRIDE,
with other Board members, told us about what Pride is
currently doing and about its plans to support, unite and
serve our community this year. <http://abqpride.com>
2010, August 17.
Sharing stories is big part of PFLAG's support efforts.
As part of her Graduate program at UNM,
Teresa Esquerra, one of our members, is a UNM
Occupational Therapy graduate student. She has helped our
Chapter establish an "Oral History" project
which will allow us to document and make our stories
available to others throughout New Mexico. For her
Community Health project this past Spring, Teresa
investigated oral history traditions and
occupational storytelling and how these
narrative approaches facilitate the healing process --
for individuals who "come out" and for their
loved ones. Teresa will discuss PFLAG-abq's oral history
project and the projects potential impact on rural
community health in New Mexico. She will play
interview clips and explain how members can share their
coming out stories for the chapters archive.
Come learn more about occupational therapy and how you
can get involved in this exciting project.
July 20. Jean and Jim Genasci presented
their fall 2009 hostellling travel experiences
through Asia, Europe, and the mediterranean.
Fifty-five friends filled the room for the fun.
[click the
photo at right to enlarge it.] [Photo by Sheila Mink] |
2010, June 15. The
topic was "Don't Ask, Don't Tell." THOUGH
Senate and House Armed Services Committees have both
passed amendments to the Defense Authorizations Act that
are first steps in repealing Don't Ask, Don't Tell -- an
important first step in allowing gays to serve openly in
the U.S. military -- the Act must now make it through the
remainder of the legislative process to become law. Steve
Loomis and American Veterans for Equal Rights (AVER)
brought us up to date on the status of this important
legislation and what we can do to make it happen.
May 18. Was our FIFTH Annual Friends and
Family Dinner. PFLAG-ABQ and members gave a
potluck dinner which was attended by 65 friends,
family, allies and members of our larger
community. |

[click to enlarge] [Photos by Sheila Mink] |
2010, May 8.
One hundred fifty three kids participated in the 2nd
Albuquerque PFLAG sponsored youth prom (it was titled
"Carnival Prom") held at the Anderson-Abruzzo
Albuquerque International Balloon Museum.
2010, April 20. Juanita
Martinez, Investigations Officer of the Albuquerque Human
Rights Office, spoke about unlawful discrimination
related to employment, housing and public accommodation.
Brian Lee, Fair Housing Coordinator, discussed housing
concerns. The Albuquerque Human Rights Office promotes
equal opportunity within the city limits of Albuquerque.
New Mexico has already moved to address unlawful
discrimination based on sexual orientation and
transgender, so it is right that the City of Albuquerque
also works to create sensitivity and equal opportunity
for all its citizens.
2010, March 16. Cooper
Lee Bombardier, Program Coordinator of the New Mexico Gay
Straight Alliance Network of the Santa Fe Mountain
Center, spoke about the Network and Gay Straight
Alliances. Youth leaders who participate in the program
also spoke of their involvments.
March 12 & 13. PFLAG Albuquerque
hosted PFLAG chapter leaders from Arizona,
Colorado, New Mexico, Texas, and Utah, as well as
PFLAG National leaders Cesar Hernandez( Western
Field and Policy Manager) and Jean Hodges
(Mountain West Regional Director). The Friday
evening mixer, to get to know each other, held at
the First Congregational Church was well attended
and included leaders from local LGBT
organizations. Saturday's
all day meeting was held in the OptumHealth
Building. The presentations/sessions were lead by
Cesar Hernandez and Jean Hodges with active
participation from everyone in attendance. The
primary focus during the day was on what PFLAG
National provides local chapters, topical
workshops for both new and existing chapters, and
strategic planning. However, the greatest benefit
was the interaction between chapter leaders,
which will result in building a stronger network
of PFLAG chapters.
The consensus from the
participants was both days were well spent and
they not only learned a lot, but they also met
some wonderful people.
[click to enlarge]

[Photos by Sheila
Mink] |
2010, February
16. We discussed the results of the NM GLBTQ
Needs Assessment poll. Last year, the New Mexico
GLBTQ Centers organization completed the first statewide
needs assessment of the GLBTQ community in New Mexico.
The purpose of the assessment was to establish the
current quality of life and needs of the more than 68,000
identified GLBTQ indiduals living in New Mexico. In
addition, the assessement tried to identify the perceived
level of homophobia that currently exists in our state.
Katherine Palmer, from our chapter and a member of the NM
GLBTQ Center's Board, explained the methodology and
results of the assessment.
2010, January 19. Our
guests from Equality New Mexico told us
about the upcoming legislative session and EQNM's agenda.