Our Speakers Bureau is composed of volunteers who, as their personal schedules permit, participate in PFLAGabq organized presentations. PFLAGabq cannot promise to provide speakers panels for all requested engagements since availability of speakers depends entirely on how many volunteers are available at the time. Coordinators will attempt to accomodate requests for panels of speakers.
You can help:

  • by possibly combining YOUR planned event with another where PFLAG-abq volunteers are already scheduled to speak
    (For example, will PFLAG-abq speak on your campus? Consider taking your group to the other event.)
  • by planning ahead. Making a request two weeks or more before your event minimizes stress on our volunteers
  • by being patient. Emails may not be answered immediately. It could take several days for our coordinator to check our volunteer "people-resources" before getting back to you
Contact our speakers bureau coordinator(s) by phone or email
PHONE   (505) 873-7373 -- PFLAG-Abq's cell number
EMAIL   contact@pflagabq.org -- Currently Sheila Mink, President