Why Join
Please come join us!

PFLAG Albuquerque promotes the health and well-being of gay, lesbian, bisexual and transgender persons, their families and friends through: SUPPORT, EDUCATION and ADVOCACY.

Annual membership categories:
  • $15, Students and Seniors
  • $25, Individuals
  • $40, Households
  • $50, Businesses & Non-Profits

Your yearly membership is tax deductible because PFLAG/Albuquerque is a 501(c)(3) charitable not-for-profit organization. Membership information is confidential and never shared with any other organization.

Membership in your local PFLAG chapter gives you membership in PFLAG/National, unless you express a wish not to be associated with our national organization.

New Mexico PFLAG met in Silver City.

DONATE, JOIN, or RENEW your membership
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PFLAG Albuquerque works to promote understanding of the LGBT community and to provide resources for LGBT persons and their relatives.  We support those who are coming out and their relatives, we advocate for progress on LGBT social issues, and we educate to enlighten an ill-informed public. PFLAG is not affiliated with any ethnic, religious, economic, or political organization.

Membership strengthens our organization by providing the financial means to meet the basic needs of running the organization.  We offer many volunteer opportunities.

PFLAG volunteers conduct programs, host parties, provide refreshments, speak at engagements and do many other things.  Volunteering is a great way to stay involved with the LGBT (or GLBT) community.

We invite you to join a team that has been making a difference in the Albuquerque GLBT community since 1995. Success depends upon all of us working together.  

Challenges within our community, state, and nation continue.  Discrimination still exists. Many New Mexico schools are still not safe for gay, lesbian, bisexual and transgender (GLBT) students or teachers. Many people still seek answers to questions about being GLBT, and wonder if they are “the only ones.” Society as a whole still attempts to limit civil rights, and to restrict the lives of GLBT persons and their families. 

Through our programs of support, education and advocacy, PFLAG confronts these challenges. By sharing our experiences at monthly meetings in a safe, social environment, we support individuals seeking guidance and information. We sponsor a GLBT prom to help support our high school students.Our work, with Safe Schools and through our Speakers’ Bureau, provides education to both professionals and the public. Our speakers give presentations to counselors, social workers, teachers, and students, as well as government workers and members of other organizations in the general community.

We helped to place sexual orientation and gender identity in the New Mexico Human Rights Act, and we now address other concerns important to the community. There is a growing awareness that all members of society are entitled to equal civil rights, but there is still much to accomplish here in New Mexico.

PFLAG Albuquerque is a home for GLBT persons, their families, friends, and allies, where support, education, advocacy, and friendship is available. By supporting PFLAG Albuquerque, you will help maintain a strong positive presence in the greater Albuquerque area, and also support PFLAG, Inc., our national organization, which assists some 500 PFLAG locations and maintains a crucial national presence.

That’s why you should join today. Your dues will help us hold monthly meetings, fund our Speakers’ Bureau, and network with other PFLAG chapters and other organizations with GLBT and social justice missions. The success of the PFLAG Albuquerque Chapter depends upon all of us working together.


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