
Please come join us!

PFLAG Albuquerque promotes the health and well-being of gay, lesbian, bisexual and transgender persons, their families and friends through: SUPPORT, EDUCATION and ADVOCACY.


MPOWER/TEENpower of Rocky Mountain Planned Parenthood

which hosts us in their accessible and delightful meeting Space

Pride March car, "hugs" truck following


Meetings & Events

2025, February 19 (7 PM). Please come join us to chat and listen. There will always be someone here to greet you and to offer friendly support.

Our guest speaker this month is from American Veterans for Equal Rights (AVER) Bataan Chapter in Albuquerque, and will be followed by time for questions, answers, and conversations.


2024, January 15. Our speaker was from Equality New Mexico who related issues that face this year's "long" (60 day) New Mexico legislative session (which began Jan. 21).

2024, December 18. Just a "snack-luck" this month. So (if you can) bring a snack that you like and share it with others. Bring yourself and join a conversation.

Previous Meetings...

2024, November 20. Our Pot-Luck meeting was great. The many hot and cold plates, sides and desserts ... were delicious. The cheerful and supportive conversations, among the dozen participants, was the best part of the evening.

2024, October 16th. In-person again after a year's hiatus. We got re-acquainted, and met newcomers.

2023, January 18th. We met for supportive conversations over light refreshments.

2022, December 22nd. We had our first face-to-face meeting AGAIN after "Zooming" two years. It was a "snacks-only" potluck with much provided by many participants. Fun! We had too many snacks since lots had also been left to us by another group whose meeting had ended just before we arrived.

...  An extended period of meetings on ZOOM.

2020, April 15th, May 20th, June 17th, and ALL subsequent PFLAG meetings occurred as scheduled, over ZOOM.

2020, March 18th. The meeting was cancelled due to National PFLAG's advice to members: "chapters should suspend meetings and events, based upon sound guidance and directives from local and federal health authorities" * * paraphrased by Peter, who ALSO heard on March 12, that APS cancelled all classes for three weeks.

2020, February 19th. Adrien Lawyer, of The Transgender Resource Center of New Mexico (TGRCNM) explained the center's programs and some events. We all discussed the experiences of transgender people, and came away understanding more. Along with generous donors, TGRCNM's local thrift store -- Thrift A Lot -- supports the Center's work.

2020, January 15th. Alexandra Sherry, from Big Brothers/Big Sisters, asked: "Have you ever wanted to be a big brother or sister or sibling?" She answered questions and explained two current programs -- Community-based and School-based.


Previous year calendars are in NEWS ARCHIVES below.

NEWS ARCHIVES 2019 || 2018 || 2017 || 2016 || 2015 || 2014 || 2013 || 2012 || 2011 || 2010 || 2009 || 2008 || 2007 ||


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